Exhibition News

The 9th Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2022 Joins Hands with the Olympic Games once again


思吉特•拉哈君(印度尼西亚)Sigit Raharjo(Indonesia)

奖牌的意义 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 140厘米×120厘米

The Means of A Medal / 2007 / oil on canvas / 140cm×120cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


International biennale, also known as Olympics in art, boasts a history as splendid as that of the modern Olympics, and has played an important role in advancing world peace, progress and cultural exchanges. Previous sessions of the Beijing International Art Biennale, China (BIAB, Beijing International Biennale for short) have seen excellent artworks related to sports and the Olympic Games. In particular, the 3rd BIAB coincided with the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Taking this as an opportunity, the Beijing International Biennale defined “Colors and the Olympics” as the theme of the 3rd BIAB. As a cultural activity held during the Olympics, this Biennale fully showcased Olympic spirits and the idea of People’s Olympics, enabling visitors from all over the world to appreciate artists’ wisdom and playing an incredible role in fostering an Olympic atmosphere.  




康剑飞(中国)Kang Jianfei(China)
新北京系列之一、二:鸟巢、水立方 / 2007 /
水印木刻 / 100厘米×180厘米×2
New Olympic Gymnasium / 2007 / print / 100cm×180cm×2

Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


约可•奥普里迪诺塔(印度尼西亚)Joko Apridinoto(Indonesia)

精神与美 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 120厘米×150厘米

Spirit and Beauty / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 120cm×150cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


In 2015, Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, won the Winter Olympics bid; therefore, Beijing will once again join hands with the Olympic Games, making it the first ever city in the world that hosts both summer and winter Olympics. As the Beijing International Biennale is popular across the world and its theme can be closely connected with the Olympic Games, Culture and Ceremonies Department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games has provided support for the Beijing International Biennale and included it as part of the cultural activities of the 2022 Winter Olympics. To facilitate the Beijing 2022 Games, the 9th BIAB has kept close contact with relevant departments, went through approval procedures and accepted entries from all over the world. 


桑德拉•阿克曼(德国)Sandra Ackermann(Germany)

女跳水运动员 / 2006 / 布面油画 / 200厘米×150厘米

Die Springer / 2006 / oil on canvas / 200cm×150cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

The 9th BIAB will be held at the National Art Museum of China from January 18th to March 1st, 2022 and will use non-sports stadiums of the 2022 Winter Olympics as branch venues. In this article, excellent artworks concerning sports and the Olympic Games are selected to inspire your theme-based creation from such perspectives as nations, regions and personal experience. We really look forward to your submission.


玛塔•塔贝里(捷克)Marta Tabery(Czech)

黑•红•绿•黄•蓝 / 2007 / 丝绸上综合材料 / 136厘米×200厘米×5

Black-Red- Green- Yellow - Blue / 2007 / mexied media on silk / 136cm×200cm×5


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


盖夫索•帕帕达基(希腊)Gefso Papadaki(Greece)

我的世界,你的世界,我们的世界 / 2007 / 布上综合材料 / 130厘米×130厘米

My World, Your World, Our World / 2007 / mixed media on canvas / 130cm×130cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


安德烈亚•维奇尼(意大利)Andrea Vizzini(Italy)

里波斯托的掷铁饼者 / 2008 / 布面综合材料 / 300厘米×206厘米

Installazione con Discobolo / 2008 / mixed media on canvas / 300cm×206cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


祖巴尼亚早夫•乌米尔别克(哈萨克斯坦)Zhubaniyazov Umirbek(Kazakstan)

战斗 / 1989 / 布面油画 / 80厘米×77厘米

Kures / 1989 / oil on canvas / 80cm×77cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

德夫•阿南•初拉曼(毛里求斯)Dev Anand Chooramun(Mauritius)

相依为命 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 81厘米×100厘米

Symbiosis / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 81cm×100cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


柳斯•墨拉罗斯(墨西哥)Lius Morales(Mexico)

道义 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 120厘米×150厘米

Virtues / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 120cm×150cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


雅努什•普洛塔(波兰)Janusz Plota(Poland)

奥林匹克光 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 100厘米×150厘米

Olympic Light / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 100cm×150cm 


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


克劳蒂娅•达尼埃拉•拉扎(罗马尼亚)Claudia Daniela Lazar(Rumania)

第一场比赛 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 140厘米×120厘米

The First Game / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 140cm×120cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale



艾娃•琼-福克斯(西班牙)Eva Choung-Fux(Spain)

奥林匹克宪章冥想 / 2007 / 布上乙烯基颜料 / 110厘米×187厘米

Mediation on Olympic Charter / 2007 / vinyl-color on canvas / 110cm×187cm 


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


拉斐尔•贝斯塔德•马斯(西班牙)Rafael Bestard Mas(Spain)

在森林里IV / 2007 / 布面油画 / 200厘米×180厘米

In the Forest IV / 2007 / oil on canvas / 200cm×180cm  


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


斯洛博丹•诺瓦科维奇(瑞士)Slobodan Novakovic(Switzerland)

铁饼投掷者 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 130厘米×170厘米

Discus Thrower / 2007 / oil on canvas / 130cm×170cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


卡罗尔•福伊尔曼(美国)Carole A.Feuerman(USA)

幸存的萨丽娜 / 树脂、油彩 / 200厘米×97厘米×185厘米

Survival of Sarena / aqua resin, oil / 200cm×97cm×185cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


吴为山(中国)Wu Weishan(China)

罗格 / 2008 / 铸铜 / 高:200厘米

Roger / 2008 / bronze / height:200 cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


华其敏(中国)Hua Qimin(China)

中国红 / 2007 / 纸本设色 / 188厘米×178厘米

Chinese Red / 2007 / color on paper / 188cm×178cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


李爱国(中国)Li Aiguo(China)

辉煌——奥运之星杨霞 / 2006 / 纸本设色 / 74厘米×47厘米

Olympic Star / 2006 / color on paper / 74cm×47cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


孙玉敏、宗娅琮(中国)Sun Yumin, Zong Yacong(China)

球 / 2007 / 中国画 / 130厘米×135厘米

Tennis / 2007 / traditional Chinese painting / 130cm×135cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


卢志强(中国)Lu Zhiqiang(China)

跨越 / 2007 / 中国画 / 180厘米×220厘米

Span / 2007 / traditional Chinese painting / 180cm×220cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


沈启鹏(中国)Shen Qipeng(China)

齐心协力 / 2007 / 中国画 / 190厘米×138厘米

Making Concerted Effort / 2007 / traditional Chinese painting / 190cm×138cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

潘蘅生(中国)Pan Hengsheng(China)

潘德明——徒步骑车环球第一人 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 124厘米×194厘米

The 1st Earth-Circling Cyclist / 2007 / oil on canvas / 124cm×194cm  


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

王子奇(中国)Wang Ziqi(China)

和谐•中国奥运——首届奥委会成员 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 143厘米×123厘米

Harmony and the Olympics in China / 2007 / oil on canvas / 143cm×123cm  


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

徐唯辛(中国)Xu Weixin(China)

萨马兰奇肖像 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 250厘米×200厘米

Portrait of Samaranchi / 2007 / oil on canvas / 250cm×200cm 


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


徐唯辛(中国)Xu Weixin(China)

中国奥运第一人刘长春肖像 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 250厘米×200厘米

Portrait of Liu Changchun,Our Olympic Pioneer / 2007 / oil on canvas / 250cm×200cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

郑波(中国)Zheng Bo(China)

藏式摔跤——不分上下 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 145厘米×180厘米

Dogfall / 2007 / oil on canvas / 145cm×180cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale




Wang Hongliang, Wang yanda, Zhang Fan(China)

现代奥运之父—顾拜旦 / 2007 / 铸铜 / 70厘米×80厘米×220厘米

Coubertin, Father of Olympics / 2007 / bronze / 70cm×80cm×220 cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


杨明(中国)Yang Ming(China)

让我们一起来做运动系列之一大家一起赢 / 2007 / 玻璃钢烤漆 / 320厘米×250厘米×250厘米,单件高度80厘米×12

All-Win / 2007 / fiber steel / 320cm×250cm×250cm, height: 80cm×12  


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

南溪(中国香港特区)Nan Xi(Hong Kong SAR, China)

马照跑 / 2007 / 纸墨 / 200厘米×300厘米

Running Horses / 2007 / Chinese ink on Chinese paper / 200cm×300cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


陈世英(中国澳门特区)Wallace Chan(Macao SAR, China)
跨•世代 / 2006 / 不锈钢 / 60厘米×223厘米
Crossing the Century / 2006 / stainless steel / 60cm×223cm

Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale



陈朝宝(中国台湾地区)Chen Chaobao(Taiwan, China)

游于艺 / 2007 / 布面丙烯 / 162厘米×130厘米

Playing in Art / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 162cm×130cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


瓦莱里奥•梅泽蒂(意大利)Valerio Mezzeti(Italy)

木雕 / 2008 / 纸 / 24.5厘米×35.4厘米

Wood Wmgraving / 2008 / paper / 24.5cm×35.4cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

托尼•佩科拉奥(意大利)Toni Pecoraro(Italy)

 奥运之柱 / 2007 /蚀刻版画 / 53厘米×38厘米×2

Colonna Olimpica / 2007 / aquatint etching / 53cm×38cm×2 


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


维尼乔•韦尔齐耶里(意大利)Vinicio Verzieri(Italy)

火 / 2007 / 照相纸 / 38厘米×20.3厘米

Fuoco / 2007 / carta fotografica / 38cm×20.3cm


Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale

王衍达(中国)Wang Yanda(China)  
多彩的冰上世界 / 2018 / 不锈钢 / 100厘米 × 300厘米 × 200厘米
The Colorful World on Ice / 2018 / stainless steel / 100cm × 300cm × 200cm

Work from the 8th Beijing International Biennale

香农 · 芬利(加拿大)Shannon Finley(Canada)
冬之恋 / 2012 / 布面丙烯 / 80厘米 × 64厘米 
Winter's love / 2012 / acrylic on canvas / 80cm × 64cm

Work from the 6th Beijing International Biennale

米尔恰 · 克里斯蒂安 · 保罗 · 格伦纽克(美国)Mircea Cristian Paul Goreniuc(USA) 
空间交响乐:奥林匹克的和平之梦 / 2014 / 雕塑 / 48厘米 × 43厘米 × 73厘米
Space Symphony-Olympic Dream of Peace / 2014 / sculpture / 48cm × 43cm × 73cm

Work from the 6th Beijing International Biennale


铁饼运动员 / 2002 / 青铜 / 高:180厘米
Discus Thrower / 2002 / bronze / H:180cm

Work from the 1st Beijing International Biennale

墨客(缅甸)Myo khin(Burma)
奥运之光 / 2006 / 布面油画 / 180厘米×790厘米
Olympiad’s light / 2006 / oil on canvas / 180cm×790cm
Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale


周长江(中国)Zhou Changjiang(China)
互补—体竞无穷 / 2008 / 综合材料 / 150厘米×500厘米
Infinite Competion / 2008 / mixed media / 150cm×500cm
Work from the 3rd Beijing International Biennale



Winter Olympic Sports



Beijing, a City that Hosts Both Summer and Winter Olympic Games




The National Speed Skating Oval, also known as the Ice Ribbon, is a speed skating arena built for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.



The Beijing-Zhangjiakou 2022 Winter Olympic Games Bid Logo



Bing Dwen DwenMascot of the 2022 Winter Olympics



Shuey Rhon Rhon, Mascot of the 2022 Winter Paralympics



Creation of the 9th BIAB can also be based on profound topics, including life and healthand global response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to winter sports, such topics related to the Olympic Games as historical events, stadiums and buildings, urban landscape, flags and logos, and mascots can be used in your creation as well. Besides, creation can be based on profound topics, including life and healthand global response to the Covid-19 pandemic as it has put us through tough tests. 
It is expected that the Beijing International Biennale, as a global platform of cultural and artistic exchanges, will encourage people to reflect upon the significance of existence, future development and common future in a post-Covid era full of once-in-a-century transformations. In this way, we will be able to embrace a brighter future. 

Please note that submission deadline is August 31, 2021. For submission details and latest updates of the Beijing Biennale, please visit our official website and  follow our WeChat public account. 

Scan the QR Code and pay attention to the official Wechat account of the Beijing International Art Biennale.




Tel: 86-10-59759382   59759383    59759391 

Fax: 86-10-59759381  

Website: www.bjbiennale.com.cn (access to both English and Chinese websites) 

Forms download address: http://www.bjbiennale.com.cn/en/ParticipationWay/ 

E-mail: [email protected] (Please mark your nationality in E-mail subject/theme)