

《古道西边》The Ancient Road
[中国] 张洁[China] Zhang Jie
2021 / 国画 / 240厘米× 190厘米
2021 / traditional Chinese painting / 240cm × 190cm
        1994年12月19日第49届联合国大会根据联大第二委员会(经济和财政)的建议,通过了49/115号决议,从 1995年起把每年的6月17日定为“世界防治荒漠化与干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)”,旨在进一步提高世界各国人民对防治荒漠化重要性的认识,唤起人们防治荒漠化的责任心和紧迫感。
    On December 19th of 1994, according to the proposal of the 2nd General Assembly Committee(economy and finance), the 49th session General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution of No.49/115 and June 17 has been designated as the "World Day to Combat Desertification" since 1995. This day aims at raising the awareness of the importance of combating desertification in the mind of the worldwide people, and evoking people’s responsibility and the sense of urgency in combating desertification.
      President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the national activity held on the 2022 World Environment Day, which falls on June 5. He pointed out that the ecological environment was the foundation of human existence and development, and keeping a sound living environment was the common aspiration of people all over the world. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have regarded ecological conservation as a fundamental plan that played an important role in the sustainable development of the Chinese Nation. Keeping the idea that the lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets in mind, we have carried out a series of essential, ground-breaking and long-term work, thus making important strides towards building a beautiful China and historic, transformative and all-round changes to the ecological and environmental protection of China.
《沃土》Fertile Land
[中国] 王子婷[China] Wang Ziting
2021 / 漆画 / 120厘米 × 120厘米
2021 / lacquer painting / 120cm × 120cm
《田园之七》 The Countryside No. 7
[中国] 余尚红[China] Yu Shanghong
2021 / 布面油画 / 135厘米 × 290厘米
2021 / oil on canvas / 135cm × 290cm
《稻田》Rice Paddy
[越南] 陈永胜[Vietnam] Tran Vinh Thinh
2020 / 布面综合 / 155厘米 × 205厘米
2020 / acrylic and pulp on canvas / 155cm × 205cm
《时空中的风景(3)》Landscape in Time and Space #3
[日本] 浅野均[Japan] Asano Hitoshi
2019 /日本宣纸,矿物颜料 / 172厘米 × 172厘米
2019 / Japanese paper, mineral colors / 172cm × 172cm
《暴雨之前》Before the Rainstorm
[俄罗斯] 科拉索夫•依戈里[Russia] Kolasov Igori
2007 / 布面油画 / 76厘米 × 91.5厘米
2007 / oil on canvas / 76cm × 91.5cm
《彩色韵律》Colorful Rhythms
[阿联酋]纳贾特•马克基[UAE] Najat Makki
2020 /布面丙烯/ 298厘米× 152厘米
2020 / acrylic on canvas / 298cm × 152cm
《更高、更快、更强》Citius, Altius, Fortius
[墨西哥] 加布里埃尔•桑切斯•维韦罗斯[Mexico] Gabriel Sánchez Viveros
2021 / 综合材料 / 240厘米× 242厘米
2021 / mixed media / 240cm × 242cm
《天使在这里化腐朽为神奇》Angels are Here to Mend the Rotten
[孟加拉国] 纳尔吉斯• 保利[Bangladesh] Nargis Poly
2021 / 布面丙烯 / 223.5厘米 × 155厘米
2021 / acrylic on canvas / 223.5cm × 155cm
《沙滩的2:03》On the Beach at 2:03
[中国] 徐浩[China] Xu Hao
2021 / 布面油画 / 240厘米 × 185厘米
2021 / oil on canvas / 240cm × 185cm
[斯洛文尼亚] 安童•雷文斯笛科[Slovenia] Anton Levstek
2009 / 布面油画 / 83厘米× 97厘米
2009 / oil on canvas / 83cm × 97cm
《山涧溪流》Mountain Streams
[塔吉克斯坦] 苏赫罗布•古尔巴诺夫[Tajikistan] Suhrob Gurbanov
2008 / 布面油画 / 60厘米 × 70厘米
2008 / oil on canvas / 60cm × 70cm
《沙漠驼队》Desert Camel Caravan
[乌兹别克斯坦] 阿拉别尔加诺夫•科布利亚诺夫
[Uzbekistan] Allabergenov Sardor
2011 /布面油画/ 56厘米 × 77厘米
2011 / oil on canvas / 56cm × 77cm
[英国] 米歇尔•波纳瓦拉[UK] Michelle Poonawalla
2020 /视频/ 5分钟
2020 / video / 5 minutes
The 9th Beijing Biennale is funded by the China National Arts Fund.





北京市朝阳区北沙滩1号院 32 号楼 B 座 1701 室中国美协北京双年展办公室





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