
历届北京双年展中外生命健康题材作品选辑 ——致敬投身新冠病毒防疫的所有战士们

Selected works related to life and health at previous Beijing Biennales
----Tribute to all the soldiers who have devoted themselves to the fight against the new coronavirus
      17 years ago, the first Beijing Biennale was held as scheduled after the victory over SARS in 2003. It became the first large-scale international art exhibition connecting the five continents timely after the fight against SARS in Beijing of that year. It played an irreplaceable role in restoring cultural life and international exchanges in the post-SARS era in Beijing. 
Omer Galliani  / Italy / New Anatomy(triptych) / 2003 / (300×200cm) ×3(The 1st Beijing Biennale )

Mikhailov Viatcheslav Savvitch / Russia / Opium Poppy Land / 2000 / oil on canvas / 156×114cm(The 1st Beijing Biennale )

李遂/中国/《我们毁灭  而你出现》/2003/石膏/160厘米×60厘米×6厘米(首届)
Li Sui / China / We Go to Ruin, But You Appear / 2003 / plaster / 160×60×6cm(The 1st Beijing Biennale )
      According to international practices and models, every Beijing Biennale has its own academic theme since the first session. The theme of the first Beijing Biennale was "Originality: Contemporaneity and Locality"; the theme of the second session was "Humanistic Concern of the Contemporary Art"; the theme of the third session was "Colors and Olympics" ; the theme of the fourth session was "Ecology and Home" , the theme of the fifth session was "Future and Reality"; the theme of the sixth session was "Memory and Dream"; the theme of the seventh session was "The Silk Road and World Civilizations" and the theme of the eighth session was "A Colorful World and A Shared Future". All previous themes focused on the pertinence of reality and the relevance of the world, faced forthwith the major events that happened at that time, and embodied the responsibility of contemporary art to the shared future of mankind from the point of history, reality and world.

Zhao Yue, Wu Yishan / China / Heaven · Earth · Man / 2018 / mixed media / 180 × 290cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )

Pang Zongchao / China / The Red Light / 2016 / watercolor / 140 × 100cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )

常觉圆/加拿大/《大爱跨国界 人类同命运》/2018/布面油画/260厘米×193厘米(第八届)
CHANG Jueyuan / Canada / Great Borderless Love, Humanity’s Shared Future / 2018 / oil on canvas / 260 × 193cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )

Saulet Zhanibek / Kazakhstan / Traffic Regulations / 2018 / oil on canvas / 150 × 120cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )

Samira Alborzkouh / Iran / Acid Attack/ 2016 / oil on canvas / 160 × 120cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )

Tomaz Perko / Slovenia / Thought / 2009 / oil on canvas / 50 × 80cm(The 8th Beijing Biennale )
      Artists from all over the world actively created works under the call of each Beijing Biennale theme which involved all aspects of human history, current life and future destiny. In 2020, human beings especially need to directly face the word "life and health" which is the sub theme under the major theme of Beijing Biennale. "Life and health" is related to everyone. In the past 17 years, there were always works about "life and health" created by artists at home and abroad of Beijing Biennales. At this special moment of 2020 which will be definitely remembered by history, we re-sorted and edited these works. In this way, we salute all the soldiers who have devoted themselves to the fight against novel coronavirus, meanwhile we also hope these works would lead to profound thinking about life and health.

Li Yifu / China / Apocalypse · Prophet / 2005 / mixed media / 235 × 175× 70cm(The 2nd Beijing Biennale )

Wu Xingqi / China(Macao)/ Profound / 2003 / print / 79 × 57cm(The 2nd Beijing Biennale )

Kong Weike, Li Zhaoqiu, Yue Haibo, Yang Xiaogang / China / Never Give Up! / 2008 / traditional Chinese painting / 129 × 248cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Luo Genxing / China / Permanent Existence·2008·Beichuan / 2008 / oil on canvas / 135 × 260cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Liu Renjie / China / City NO.1 / 2007-2008 / oil on canvas / 200 × 140cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Xie Dongming / China / Girls' World / 2007 / oil on canvas / 220 × 300cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Dong Shubing / China / Under the Same Blue Sky / 2007 / painted glass-fiber,wood / 170 × 80× 80cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Bedriska Uzdilova / Czech / Life / 2007 / oil on canvas / 130 × 182cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Sarka Radova / Czech / Cells / 2007 / porcelain / 65 × 10cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Claudia Rogge / Germany / Taitile / 2006 / photograph / 200 × 150cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

因内斯·因德雷斯瓦利·叟堪通/印度尼西亚/《完美的关键是:爱》/2007/木头/ 17厘米×13.5厘米×155厘米(第三届)
Innes Indreswari Soekanto / Indonesia / Key of Perfection is Love / 2007 / wood, terracotta figures / 17 × 13.5×155cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Albino Adelaido Luna Sanchez / Mexico / Sharing with the Birds / 2007 / mixed media on canvas / 150 × 120cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Carole A.Feuerman / USA / Survival of Sarena / aqua resin, oil / 200 × 97 × 185cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Maria Elena Monaco / Italy / Il Iuleano / 2008 / aguafort / 35 × 25cm(The 3rd Beijing Biennale )

Sun Tao / China / Hesitating—the Thirsty Land / 2005 / oil painting / 154 × 200cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Elmar Peintner / Austria / Child Disguised as a Harlequin and Tall Chimneys / 2009 / oil painting / 120 × 170cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Jean Michel Rolland / France / Life in the Woods : the Future / 2009 / acrylic on canvas / 160 × 160cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Hervet Frédérique / France / Still Alive / 2009 / acrylic on canvas / 162 × 97cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Trialoni Maria / Greece / Agony / 2007 / acrylic on canvas / 187 × 175cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Adrianos Sotiris / Greece / Instinct / 2008 / oil on canvas / 120 × 75cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Kashyap Parikh / India / Crisis 2050 / 2009 / acrylic on canvas / 105 × 166cm(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Arpana Caur / India / Stepping out / 2003 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Sulistyono / Indonesia / Future Life / 2009 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Michael Parchment / Jamaica / From the Earth He Created Them / 2005 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Keiji Usami / Janpan / A Big Flood / 2010 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Marcela Alejandra Herrera Ramirez / Mexico / Waiting for a Drop of Water / 2009 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Alesia Lund Paz / Peru / Caught / 2007 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Kim Hyun Ha / South Korea / Still there is hope to us / 2009 / mixed media(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Rafael Bestard Mas / Spain / The Day After / 2009 / oil on canvas(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Mualla Gürle / Turkey / Environmental contamination / 2009 / digital photography(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Ho Minh Quan / Vietnam / We Have No Choice / 2009 / oil painting(The 4th Beijing Biennale)

Zheng Xiaohui / China / Medicine Cabinet / 2011 / sculpture / 140 × 60 × 200cm(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

Xu Yanjun / China / Beginning of Life Ⅲ / 2009 / oil on canvas / 100 × 100cm(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

Wang Hongjie / China / Telling the Safeness / 2011 / Chinese painting / 250 × 230cm(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

Zhang Biying / China / Living / 2011 / oil on canvas / 100 × 100cm(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

莫里斯·帕斯特纳克/比利时/《空气2》/ 2011 / 油画/(第五届)
Pasternak Maurice / Belgium / Airs 2 / 2011 / oil on canvas(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

萨拉·哈朗贾穆/伊朗/《蓝蓝的天》 / 2011 / 铜、玻璃纤维(第五届)
Sara Rahanjam / Iran / Blue Sky / 2011 / bronze, fiberglass(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

塔拉·贝巴哈尼/伊朗/《制作公司》/ 2011 / 布面油画(第五届)
Tara Bhebahani / Iran / Production Company / 2011 / oil on canvas(The 5th Beijing Biennale)

沃尔特·奥特曼/南非/《残留》 / 2013 / 铝线(第六届)
Walter Oltmann / south Africa / Residuum / 2013 / aluminium wire(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

Zhu Yan / China / Escape-Dust / 2014 / Woodcut print / 66 × 82cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

Yang Yang / China / Walk series / 2013 / Mixed media / 280×180cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

赵舒燕/中国/《症·疗》/2012 /布面油画/ 200厘米×200厘米(第六届)
Zhao Shuyan / China / Disease-Treatment / 2012 / Oil on canvas / 200×200cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

冯健亲/中国/《春天里》/ 2014 / 布面油画 / 380厘米×360厘米(第六届)
Feng Jianqin/ China / In the Spring / 2014 / Oil on canvas / 380×360cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

保拉·马赛拉·奥特桂/阿根廷/《浮躁的时间》/ 2012 / 布面丙烯/ 144厘米×178厘米(第六届)
Paula Marcela Otegui / Argentina / Fever Time / 2012 / acrylic on canvas / 144×178cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

Fatemeh Mofarahi / Iran / Gift / 2013 / oil on canvas / 70×100cm(The 6th Beijing Biennale)

周士钢、周珍珍/中国/《中国援非医疗队》/2016/中国画·纸本水墨 /295厘米×410厘米(第七届)
Zhou Shigang, Zhou Zhenzhen / China / The Chinese Medical Team in Africa / 2016 / ink and color on paper / 295 × 410cm(The 7th Beijing Biennale)

Gao Fei / China / Interns / 2014 / ink on silk / 210×173cm(The 7th Beijing Biennale)

拉德范·阿尔默罕默迪/也门/《快乐的也门》/2016 /布面油画/100厘米×80厘米(第七届)
Radfan Almohammedi / Yemen / The Happy Yemen / 2016 / oil on canvas / 100×80cm(The 7th Beijing Biennale)

Vladimir Vitkov / Israel / Storm Approaching / 2015 / digital art on cardboard / 66×50cm(The 7th Beijing Biennale)
      The ninth Beijing Biennale is planned to be held in late 2021 to early 2022 to coincide with the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. We will timely promote the preparatory work of the exhibition according to the actual situation during the epidemic period. Important work updates will be released on the official Wechat and website of the Beijing Biennale in time.





北京市朝阳区北沙滩1号院 32 号楼 B 座 1701 室中国美协北京双年展办公室





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