[中国] 孙震生/《伙伴—家园》/纸本设色
[China] Sun Zhensheng/ Companion:Home/ ink and color on paper
Every year, the artist takes time to collect folk artworks in Tibet. For more than a decade, the Tibetan theme has always been his main creative direction. The overall progress of Chinese society is also changing the lives of the majority of ethnic minorities, including Tibetan areas. Specifically, the improvement is not only about the ecology, the environment, the life, but also the cultural and emotional aspects.
[中国] 王俊岭/《芦苇荡的故事之二》/布面油画
[China] Wang Junling/ Stories of the Reed Marshes-2/ oil on canvas
This realistic oil painting is a vivid depiction of the simple and comfortable life of the people in the Xiong’an New Area, Hebei Province.The artist’s hometown is a small village in the marsh area on the border of Xiong’an. As a child, he would follow his cousin to play on the frozen slide and take a boat to pick the spikes of the reeds—these scenes are constantly “projecting” and replaying in his mind. People in his hometown are optimistic and full of positive energy, and their happy life becomes an inspiration for the artist, who also loves the reed marshes deeply.
[中国] 梁业健/《一片枯树》/宣纸 · 水印木刻
[China] Liang Yejian/ Withered Trees /on Xuan paper, woodcut waterprint
Adopting skillfully the techniques of woodcut waterprint, this work is a delicate and exquisite depiction of the coastal region of Beibu gulf in Guangxi. Poetry and art represent the spirit of humanity and therefore should have something in common. The artist tries to find the intersection of artistry and poetry, hoping that, through the characteristics of woodcut waterprint, the participation of water as a medium and the concise composition, he can create an oriental “poem”, from which people can feel the peaceful artistic aura.
This work adopts the technique of multi-plate colored woodcut to present the unique culture in winter with a realistic style. The picture shows the joy of harvest of working people in north China under the setting sun. Winter fishing is a unique way of production for the ethnic minorities in north China, which has a long and continuous history.
[中国] 王衍达/《多彩的冰上世界》/不锈钢
[China] Wang Yanda/ The Colorful World on Ice / stainless steel
The work depicts the most characteristic movements of short track speed skaters in the moments of swerving and adopts several independent units to show the different postures of athletes’ bodies in movement. The overall coordination, achieved by individual units, presents not only an artistic expression of the sculpting technique but also a perfect combination of sports and art.
[中国] 张铭暄/《寻 · 梅》/花梨木, 榉木
[China] Zhang Mingxuan/ Finding · Plum Blossoms / rosewood and beech
作品以文人雅士参与设计制作的明代苏式家具为载体,通过榫卯的方式拼接成自古受文人重视、 喜爱的梅的形象。以此表现对古代文人隐士的清高、 傲骨与气节的赞赏与向往,并且表达对匠人精益求精的精神的尊敬。
Inspired by the form of Suzhou-style furniture once designed by literati of the Ming Dynasty, this work, by using the structure of tenon-and-mortise, presents the image of plum blossoms, which is valued and loved by literati since ancient times. In this way, it expresses not only the admiration and yearning for the nobility of the self-contained ancient literati but also the respect for the craftsman’s spirit of striving for perfection.
[中国] 李晨/《寒武纪》/素描
[China] Li Chen/ The Cambrian / sketch
The Cambrian was one of the most mysterious periods in biological evolution and from then on, the earth entered into infinite vitality. The preserved Cambrian landform seems to be a life frozen in an instant, or a giant walking in a hurry, looking back casually. Those undulating gullies engrave the appearance of water and paint the footprints of wind, but they let go of time.
[中国] 赵龙/《破晓》/水彩
[China] Zhao Long/ Breaking Dawn / watercolor
作品表现的是都市化进程中的一组城市景观,以自己长期工作与生活的城市哈尔滨为原点,以鳞次栉比的高楼大厦、 冒着浓烟的旧工业遗存以及城市村庄互相包围等场景,勾勒对城市发展的记忆,同时反映了社会空间变化给个人生存经验与体验带来的深刻影响。
This work depicts a group of landscapes in the process of urbanization. Based on the city of Harbin, where the artist has lived and worked for a long time, the picture outlines the memory of urban development with scenes of high buildings, smoke-belching old industrial sites and city and village surrounding each other, reflecting the profound impact of social-space changes on individual survival and experience.
[中国] 顾欣/《休戚与共》/摄影(铝板)
[China] Gu Xin/ Standing Together Through Thick and Thin / photography (aluminum plate)
作品展现了纽约布鲁克林糖厂、 云南梅里雪山和大树,它们分别代表着人类所创造的工业文明和庄严而让人敬畏的大自然,但它们的共性是展现出了一种昂扬向上的精神。
This work depicts the sugarhouse in Brooklyn, New York and the Meili Snow Mountain and ancient trees in Yunnan, representing the industrial civilization created by human beings and the solemn and awe-inspiring nature respectively. However, a certain uplifting spirit is their shared characteristic.
[中国] 王刚、王伟/《大地艺术》/影像
[China] Wang Gang、Wang Wei/ Earth Art / video
新疆木垒菜子沟和沙湾的大地艺术,是持续进行中的艺术创作。新疆,丝路四大古国文明交汇地。借山势地貌,在木垒县撂荒山坡上做大地艺术象征人类始祖,在沙湾县亘古洪荒山体上做大地艺术象征人类文明。作者以影像和音乐的相互激发和拥抱,呈现出大地、 自然、 人文的相互依存、 互动和共同绽放的状态,对天地万物抱有既尊重,又创造可能的态度。
The earth art in Caizigou village, Mulei county and Shawan county in Xinjiang is an ongoing creation. Xinjiang is the intersection of the four ancient civilizations along the Silk Road. With the special mountain topography, the earth art made on the barren hillside of Mulei county symbolizes the ancestor of human beings, while the earth art made on the mountain of Shawan county represents human civilization. The two artists present the interdependence, interaction and common prosperity of the earth, nature and humanity in the form of image and music, exploring the possibilities of the universe and creation with a respectful attitude.
[格鲁吉亚] 埃卡 · 辛德拉尼/《圣城》/布面油画
[Georgia] Eka Tsindelani/ Holy City / oil on canvas
A breathtakingly calm day that accentuates the peace can be found in the sincere and untarnished atmosphere of a Georgian village. The freezing blanket of snow adds emphasis to the benefits to be found from regarding our daily lives through positive eyes. The stunning beauty of the winter scene affords us the opportunity to open ourselves to a life devoted to living in harmony, both with nature as well as with the human family.
[蒙古国] 布拉干拖雅 · 德钦道尔吉/《冬日旋律》/布面油画
[Mongolia] Bulgantuya Dechindorj/ Melody of Winter / oil on canvas
Winter in Mongolia is the coldest. However, when the sun rises from the blue sky, snow sparkling like diamonds, the atmosphere is very warm. A Mongolian wife is standing in the steppe, looking at her husband. She wears her ceremony clothes and jewels to welcome her long-waited man. The artist creates a typical countryside Mongolian wife in the steppe.
[挪威] 戴格 · 霍尔/《新月冰山》/布面油画
[Norway] Dag Hol/ Crescent Iceberg / oil on canvas
The intimate brushstrokes and detailed rendering of a visionary reality are the real concepts of the artist’s painting. These qualities are connected to the intimate relationships between the brush of the hand and the inner cognition of transcendence and inner light. His theme is of inner silent qualities. It is highly connected with the classical European art and opposed to much of the conceptual and political art of today. He believes that the presences and inner longings of the old masters, also in Asia and elsewhere, have everlasting values.
[挪威] 袁惠娟/《红衣女》/布面油画
[Norway] Hui Juan Melgardsbakken/ Women in Red / oil on canvas
作品采用了现代绘画的表现方式,不拘流派,注重自我表达,寄托了作者在挪威的思乡情结。画里有北极的极夜、 挪威的冰山以及故乡南京的雨花石,逐步拉开的画面空间创造了一个梦想的共同世界。
This work adopts the style of modern painting, which is free of genres and focuses on self-expression, in order to indicate the homesickness of the artist in Norway. The picture consists of the polar night in the arctic, the iceberg in Norway and the Yuhua Stone from the artist’s hometown Nanjing, China. The gradually opening up space creates a shared world of dreams.
[挪威] 莱娜 · 夏洛特 · 坦根/《独特的蓝》/雕塑:玻璃
[Norway] Lene Charlotte Tangen/ Unique Blue /sculpture: glass
玻璃艺术家莱娜 · 坦根一直十分关注北极和全球变暖的生态后果。脆弱的北极环境是这件雕塑作品的主要灵感来源。艺术家试图在玻璃雕塑中重建冰的结构、 形式和材料,并以此“冻结”这个转变的时刻。她用北极特有的色彩捕捉并描述了人类共同的未来,其灵感正来自地球本身的壮美。
Glass artist Lene Tangen has had a long-standing fascination for the Arctic and the ecological consequences of global warming. The fragile Arctic environment is the main inspiration behind Tangen’s sculptural work. She aims to recreate the ice structure, form and materiality in her glass sculptures and wants to "freeze" a moment of transformation. She uses the colors of Arctic to capture and describe the common future of humanity inspired by the great beauty of the earth.
[巴基斯坦] 索拉雅 · 西坎德/《冬天的夜晚》/布面油画
[Pakistan] Soraya Sikander/ A Winter Night / oil on canvas
This work shows a subtle, blurry, and wintery night in forest, depicting the universal common thread shared by men: the landscape. People can connect with each other through this landscape: a holy place that is free from boundaries and man-made social constraints. This painting is an ode to nature.
[葡萄牙] 卡塔里娜 · 布拉加/《北纬31°05' 32.5''》/版画
[Portugal] Catarina Braga/31°05' 32.5''N /print
这幅版画作品所刻画的是著名的阿特拉斯山脉。画中天空辽阔,山脉连绵,气势雄伟,白雪茫茫,给人一种人间净土的视觉感受,使人仿佛置身于风景如画的阿特拉斯景色之中。作者以其严谨的创作态度、 高超的艺术技巧,不仅为观者呈现了一幅优美的艺术作品,同时也渲染出一种思想世界的宁静,带给观者别样的感动与美好。
The print depicts Atlas Mountains. In the picture, the sky is vast, the mountains are magnificent, and the snow gives the viewers an impression that this is a pure land. A sight of the print makes people feel as if they were in the picturesque Atlas areas. The author, with his rigorous attitude and excellent artistic skills, not only shows a beautiful work of art, but also presents a peaceful world of thought, thus making the viewers feel touched and connected.
[俄罗斯] 亚历山德娜 · 苏斯皮岑拉/《冬季的节日》/油画
[Russia] Aleksandra Suspitsina/ Winter Festival / oil painting
The work combines different oil painting techniques and adopts the style of realism. The joyful atmosphere of the Russian folk festival is shown in the rich and decorative colors while the use of plane adds new ideas to this traditional realistic oil painting.
[白俄罗斯]谢尔盖 · 瑟莱克基/《无题》/版画
[Belarus] Sergey Seleckij/ Untitled / engraving
Each work of the artist contains the moments of everyday life and individual perception of routine. The artist documents his daily reality from a poetic point of view.
[俄罗斯] 叶甫盖尼 · 祝波夫/《俄罗斯的冬天》/油画
[Russia] Evgeny Zubov/ Winter in Russia / oil painting
作品描绘的是宁静沉寂的俄罗斯冬天景象,采用远近视角的对比切换,将近景的林间树木与远景的教堂建筑紧密地连接在一起。清晨温暖的阳光,仿佛是给教堂披上了一层薄薄的金色外衣,为画面增添了几分神圣、 庄严与肃穆。
This work depicts the quiet and lonely scene of the winter in Russia and adopts the contrast and switching of near and far perspectives in order to connect the trees nearby closely with the distant church. The warm sunshine in the early morning seems to cover the church with a thin golden coat, adding a bit of sanctity and solemnity to the picture.
[俄罗斯] 叶甫盖尼 · 祝波夫/《冬天的早晨》/油画
[Russia] Evgeny Zubov/ Winter Morning / oil painting
This work depicts a snowy winter scene, in which a farmer is fixing the reins for a horse and the branches of a nearby tree are twisted like curly hair. The picture presents to the viewers not the hardship brought by the white snow to the lower class, but a warm feeling in the winter.
[俄罗斯] 索科夫宁 · 弗拉基米尔 · 鲍里索维奇/《三月》/油画
[Russia] Sokovnin Vladimir Borisovich/ March / oil painting
This work takes the riverside scenery as the subject and uses the semi-sheltered composition to narrow the sense of distance between different color blocks, making the picture more vivid and natural. The melting snow and the new green branches seem to announce the approach of spring, showing the strong vitality and passion of new life.
[吉尔吉斯斯坦] 尤里斯坦贝克 · 施加耶夫/《中午》/油画
[Kyrgyzstan] Yuristanbek Shygaev/ At Noon / oil painting
画面表现的是草原雪山的午间场景。作者巧妙地运用了“以小见大”的处理方式,将一只牦牛单独吃草进食的场景置于了画面中心,从而对比衬托出了天空、 云海与高山的广阔与深沉。
This work depicts the grassland and snow mountain at noon. The artist, by placing a yak eating grass alone in the center of the picture, skillfully adopts the treatment of “seeing the big from the small” in order to set off the vastness and deepness of the sky, the sea of clouds and the magnificent mountains.
[乌兹别克斯担] 阿拉别尔 · 加诺夫 · 萨尔多/《猎手》/油画
[Uzbekistan] Allaber Genov Sardor/ Hunters / oil painting
Using exquisite brushwork, this work depicts two hunters on horseback. The distant mountains and vast sky in the background set a magnificent tone for the whole picture.
[斯洛伐克] 苏珊娜 · 克里扎尔科维科娃/《北极光的表演》/影像
[Slovakia] Zuzana Krizalkovicova/ Northern Lights Performance / video
北极光是自然界最壮观的光芒。不同背景、 不同年龄的科学家、 哲学家和历史学家都被这些天空中舞动的色彩吸引,这些随机运动的光芒也象征着生命的多样和脆弱。生命中的每时每刻都是无法重来,北极光的随机运动亦是如此。
Northern Lights are nature’s most spectacular lights. Dancing colors on the sky have fascinated scientists, philosophers, historians with different cultural backgrounds and ages. Lights with unexpected movements can be understood as a parallel between diversity and fragility of our lives. Moments in life are not repeatable, neither are the random movements of northern lights.