孙韬(中国)Sun Tao(China)
彷徨——干渴的大地 / 2005 / 油画 / 154厘米×200厘米
Hesitating—the Thirsty Land / 2005 / oil painting / 154cm×200cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
世界地球日(The World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员民众参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。
The World Earth Day on April 22nd is specially established for the protection of the world environment in order to reinforce the sense among the masses and to mobilize them to join the environment protection, as well as to improve the entire environment of the Earth through the Green low-carbon life.
巴特·李·瓦尔加什(美国)Bart Lee Vargas(USA)
地图上并不存在的地方 / 2009 /
废弃的电脑键盘,塑料苏达水瓶,钢丝网,磁带,颜料 / 高76.2厘米
There are Places on the Map That Do Not Exist / 2009 / salvaged computer keyboard keys, plastic soda bottles, chicken wire, tape, paint / Height 76.2cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
焦洋(中国)Jiao Yang(China)
钢的城 / 2011 / 中国画 / 308厘米×208厘米
City with Steel / 2011 / Chinese painting / 308cm×208cm
Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012
何强(中国)He Qiang(China)
涌 / 2009 / 雕塑 / 80厘米×120厘米×90厘米
Inrush / 2009 / sculpture / 80cm×120cm×90cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
斯拉夫·内德夫(保加利亚)Slav Nedev(Bulgaria)
群落生境 18.1 / 2016 / 喷墨打印 / 100厘米×178厘米
Biotope 18.1 / 2016 / inkjet print / 100cm×178cm
Works of the 7th Beijing Biennale, 2017
付河江(中国)Fu Hejiang(China)
文明影像·都市片段 / 2011 / 凹版 / 50厘米×100厘米
Civilized Image?City Pieces / 2011 / print / 50cm×100cm
Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012
广幸宫崎(日本)Hiroyuki Miyazaki(Japan)
人类与科技 / 2006 / 布面油画 / 181.8厘米×227.3厘米
The Human Being and the Technology / 2006 / oil on canvas / 181.8cm×227.3cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
穆阿拉·居尔莱(土耳其)Mualla Gürle(Turkey)
环境污染 / 2009 / 数码照片 / 70厘米×50厘米
Environmental contamination / 2009 / digital photography / 70cm×50cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
左国顺(中国)Zuo Guoshun(China)
沙尘暴 / 2004 / 油画 / 80厘米×100厘米
Sand Storm / 2004 / oil painting / 80cm×100cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
莫里斯·帕斯特纳克(比利时)Pasternak Maurice(Belgium)
空气2 / 2011 / 油画 / 60厘米×60厘米
Airs 2 / 2011 / oil Painting / 60cm×60cm
Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012
徐唯辛(中国)Xu Weixin(China)
酸雨 / 1998 / 油画 / 130厘米×200厘米
Acid Rain / 1998 / oil painting / 130cm×200cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
刁云波(中国)Diao Yunbo(China)
消失的家园 / 2009 / 雕塑 / 50厘米×60厘米×150厘米
Lost Homeland / 2009 / sculpture / 50cm×60cm×150cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
扬·托米克(爱沙尼亚)Jaan Toomik(Estonia)
森林里的男人 / 2004 / 布面丙烯 / 140厘米×180厘米
Man in Forest / 2004 / acylic on canvas / 140cm×180cm
Works of the 2nd Beijing Biennale, 2005
Helena Henrietta Vogelzang(South Africa)
濒危的穿山甲-城市1 / 2009 / 铜 / 30厘米×24.5厘米×32.5厘米
Endangered Pangolin-Cities 1 / 2009 / bronze / 30cm×24.5cm×32.5cm
Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012
林玉相(韩国) Lim Ok-Sang(South Korea)
流泪的树林 / 1997 / 布面油画 / 130厘米×162厘米
Forest in Tears / 1997 / oil on canvas / 130cm×162cm
Works of the 1st Beijing Biennale, 2003
赵志明(中国)Zhao Zhiming(China)
叶 / 2008 / 电脑喷绘 / 100厘米×100厘米
Leaves / 2008 / digital print / 100cm×100cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
汪沐川(中国)Wang Muchuan(China)
呼吸 / 2014 / 铸铜 / 50厘米×60厘米×40厘米
Breathe / 2014 / Bronze / 50cm×60cm×40cm
Works of the 6th Beijing Biennale, 2015
乔治·加利尔(塞浦路斯)George Gavriel(Cyprus)
农夫们 / 2007 / 布面油画 / 124厘米×160厘米
Farmers / 2007 / oil on canvas / 124cm×160cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
薛宏昇(中国)Xue Hongsheng(China)
风蚀的记忆 / 2008 / 油画 / 150厘米×120厘米
Aeolian Memory / 2008 / oil painting / 150cm×120cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010
Marcela Alejandra Herrera Ramirez(Mexico)
等待一滴水 / 2009 / 布面油画 / 140厘米×120厘米
Waiting for a Drop of Water / 2009 / oil on canvas / 140cm×120cm
Works of the 4th Beijing Biennale, 2010