


      As is known to all, the development process of Western art is different from those of many Asian countries including China. The characteristics of a nation’s history, without doubt, have influenced the basis and premise of its artistic development, and at the same time, the process of history has also changed its artistic development. Just think about the influence of Greek and Egyptian arts on Roman art, and you will find that the prerequisites for the development of Western art are diverse. Taking the strongly influential Western religious factor as one of the historical conditions, we can see that when the Catholic Church has a need of expansion, it begins to conceive religious artworks. The church attempts to achieve missionary purposes through works of art. So we can see that art can stimulate people’s imagination by depicting reality.

Vincenzo Sanfo

Director of the Italian Cultural Centre, International Curator of the Beijing Biennale






丁托列托(意大利) / 穿古代盔甲的指挥官 / 1545 / 布面油画 / 220厘米×120厘米

Tintoretto(Italy) Man in Armour / 1545 / oil on canvas / 220cm×120cm


本韦努托·蒂西(加罗法洛)(意大利) / 逃往埃及 / 1520 / 布面油画 / 95厘米×137厘米

Benvenuto Tisi (Garofalo) (Italy) / Escape to Egypt / about 1520 / oil on canvas / 95cm×137cm


马里奥·波比亚蒂(意大利) / 女人和小提琴家 / 1900 /布面油画 / 118厘米×200厘米

Mario Pobbiati(Italy) / The Lady and the Violinist / about 1900 / oil on canvas /



卢卡·吉奥达诺(意大利) / 翻译《圣经》的圣杰罗姆 / 1650 / 布面油画 / 106厘米×83厘米

Luca Giordano(Italy) / St. Jerome, Who Translated the Holy Scriptures / about

1650 / oil on canvas / 106cm×83cm


佩拉希奥·帕拉吉(意大利) / 女士肖像 / 1824 / 布面油画 / 70厘米×50厘米

Pelagio Palagi(Italy) / Portrait of a Lady / 1824 / oil on canvas / 70cm×50cm


保罗·波尔波拉(意大利) / 花瓶与花 / 1670 / 布面油画 / 212厘米×140厘米

Paolo Porpora(Italy) / Vase of Flowers / about 1670 / oil on canvas / 212cm×140cm


阿希尔·毕法尼(福尔米)(意大利) / 普夏诺湖 / 1850 / 布面油画 / 196厘米×242厘米

Achille Befani (Formis) (Italy) / Pusiano Lake / about 1850 / oil on canvas / 196cm×242cm


萨尔瓦多·达利(西班牙) / 长颈鹿维纳斯 / 1975 / 雕塑:铜 / 28厘米×9厘米×57厘米

Salvador Dalì(Spain) / Giraffe Venus / 1975 / sculpture: bronze / 28cm×9cm×57cm


朱塞佩·格龙基(意大利) / 利达与天鹅 / 1920 / 雕塑:铜 / 20厘米×20厘米×43厘米

Giuseppe Gronchi(Italy) / Leda and the Swan / 1920 / sculpture: bronze /



乔治·利兰加(坦桑尼亚) / 村子里的国王在洗澡 / 2003 / 木板瓷釉 / 120厘米×120厘米

George Lilanga(Tanzania) / The King Showering in the Village / 2003 / enamels on

wood / 120cm×120cm






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